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  • I'll happily voice my dislike of Blocky but I'm not going to get involved in any kind of gang-bullying joke like this. Even if this one is fairly harmless and Blocky is a **** I don't like this kind of behavior.
    Sheesh, on the spot a bit. Run with "When you realised Jeets was never going to make it, did you cry?" for now unless I can think of something better.

    Tell us about your most embarrassing day in court


    Tell us about an occasion at work when you have made the wrong decision on purpose, and why you did it


    Tell us about a thread you wish you had never posted in
    Ask sledger and Brumby if the Arsenal fans on CW need their own tearaway thread in the GSF?
    I'll give it some thought mate but, having just seen a piece on the news, you could either tag on to the Panda one for brumbers or add a separate question as to what advice he has for the six remaining northern white rhinos
    Ask brumbers if, with the passage of time he still views Pandas in the same way he did when he made "that post"

    Ask Burgey what changes he would make to the infraction system in order to bring it more into line with the rules of natural justice

    Ask sledger to tell us about his greatest escape - a post or series of posts where he confidently expected and feels he deserved a ban but got away with it
    I know, I'm trying to find it to tell it straight! The details have become hazy since, because booze was involved. And cricket....

    What I have found is I've posted the most in the drunk thread......

    Question 1 is fine, I'll be the Water Nazi again!
    Haha, thanks mate. Will get cracking on them now, since I'm putting off uni work with incredible success.
    For Goughy - who is the best player he has played with or against - both in respect of ability, but also in terms of all-round good bastard stakes. He must also have some fantastic anecdotes from playing cricket, so maybe ask him for his best cricket related anecdote?
    I want to know how many countries Goughy has resided in since he started posting on CW.
    Ask Smitteh what was written on the shorts he wore to a CW meet up in Sydney with Nate and I in 2010.
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