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  • To answer your question from the final thread. Liam is based in the UK nowadays.
    Gonna get a video of myself bowling and would be interested to get your thoughts if that's okay?
    Hi Goughy, just to let you know we are discussing your reported post. It hasn't been ignored.
    I'll be down there plenty. Especially as it's the football season. Did you ever go in Ringside, now that is one strange place
    Cool, I've drank in all of those bars actually though only had a swift one in Handelbar so will give it a proper go. Burgos is great from what I've seen but I think it would be better for some of my single friends!!

    I'm there until July this time around, in theory that will be it but we shall see.
    I lived right next to Greenbelt. Id usually drink at one of the 3 Hs (Howzat, Heckle and Jeckle or Handlebar) nr Burgos St. There are few sights I would recommend seeing. The joys of Manila are not touristy but more about how interesting and different the city is. I would spend most of my time around Burgos drinking as people watching. If you do want a day trip then Intramuros is worth a quick look. You can look around the old Spanish town and hit some golf balls around the old Spanish fort. Further out but doable on an easy day trip is Taal volcano. It is a lake in a volcano in a lake. It is beautiful. Have a great time and let me know if you are going again in the nect couple of months or so.
    Work. My employer has outsourced a few things there and I'm overseeing/improving things for a little while

    tbh mate like yourself I suspect, my main interests are food and drink. Been some good spots so far but already not doing much new. Happy to see sights if they are worth it.

    I don't want to name the hotel on here for obvious reasons but I'm right near Greenbelt, Ayala etc
    Cool. I used to live in Makati. What type of things are you looking to do? Out of interest, what takes you out there?
    I've just got back from Makati, and am going back again next week. Any recommendations for things I should try and do while I'm out there?
    Goughy, you'd be better served posting in the indiamike.com forums. It's a travel *** expat site. They have sub-forums for the major Indian cities.
    Hard to say, depends on whether it is a social tour or they are taking their proper players over. Even if it were the latter, they'd be missing a few because of guys who play footy.

    They don't play in that great a comp as far as I know. It's certainly not in the top three in Melbourne. Not to say that they aren't any good though.
    Hey mate, I'm looking at running a Battle of the Members thing and noticed you've abstained from the competition in the past. Just wanted to check if you wanted to continue to abstain this year. If you don't get back to me, I will assume you don't want to take part.

    I haven't heard back from my client but did bump into his father the other day - as they often do he put me in a tricky situation by wanting to talk about his son's affairs, but he did let slip that on a previous visit to the States the lad had had some sort of run in with the local police, so that sounds like a likely explanation
    It was the only adverse entry on his CRB check, but I sent him off to find a US lawyer, so if I ever find out the full story I'll let you know
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