Rivalry with added challenge

It would seem that a clash between England and Australia has enough excitement and is a challenging enough experience for players on both sides without anything needed to be added, but next month they will face an even tougher test of concentration. The Champions Trophy Group A match between the two at Jaipur on October 21 will have an additional challenge for both sides in the form of India’s biggest Hindu festival.

The match is to be played on the same day as Diwali, the festival of lights, so from dusk onwards will be played amidst spectacular fireworks and the tremendous noise they create.

Not only that, but the smoke from the fireworks leads to air pollution levels 150 times the normal level, leading to higher rates of asthma.

Although there will be no fireworks inside the match venue due to a ban imposed by the Sawai Man Singh stadium, there will be some being let off within a sufficiently close proximity to cause considerable difficulty for both sides, for whom it will be an entirely new experience.

Although the two sides are due to meet many times in the coming months, this will be a unique and memorable match for both England and Australia.

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