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*Official* Tennis Thread


International Debutant
The quicker this finishes the quicker i can go to bed.
Comeone Fed... keep it up.


International Vice-Captain
..hoped for some better tennis than this from Soderling ,tbh...bit woeful really...

Magrat Garlick

Global Moderator
Söderling hasn't turned up, but tbf, Federer's hitting with excellent length and ridiculous top spin. The balls don't bounce at all.

biased indian

International Coach
Any reason why?
the problme with me was i started watching Tennis with the victory of becker and steffi in the wimbeldon...it was the time when you get to watch only the semi finals and finals of the grandslams alone...i used to watch those games and was vivdly following the game then on newspaper as well this around 1987-88...so for me they wher my fav plyters and once they retired around the same time i suddenly didn't have any one to follow in the game and with televison being more popular in indIa and the many sport channel coming up i had more choice of sports to follow and more test macthes to follow as well sadly i lost intreset in tennis...and now i am slowly getting intrested in the game and that to just to see federer break sampras record as i didnt never ever like sampras style of play :)


What happened?
Smitteh says:
*just looked like him
*Watching tennis?!
f00lins says:
*searching for the remote itbt
Smitteh says:
*gone now
*some **** jumped onto the court
*tried to jump all over fed, then legged it from security
f00lins says:
Smitteh says:
*jumped the net then got ko'd by a guard
Live commentary from myself.


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That tackle that finally knocked him over was a beauty. Better than anything we saw from the Broncos on Friday night.

Obviously the dude wasnt french otherwise that sheet/flag/whatever he was holding would have been white and not red.


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That tackle that finally knocked him over was a beauty. Better than anything we saw from the Broncos on Friday night.

Obviously the dude wasnt french otherwise that sheet/flag/whatever he was holding would have been white and not red.

Post of the year.
