James Nixon - ARTICLES


Batting Psychology


Cricket has evolved drastically over the years since it was first started to be played. One of the major modern day changes is the scoring rates with which batsmen score their runs. In olden days, uncovered pitches meant uneven bounce, which rendered the batsmen frightful to take any risks. Turfs these days are so batsmen-friendly […]


Running between the Wickets


Inzamam-ul-Haq is an extremely good batsman. His average though doesn’t do justice to his talent. He has been run out more times than any other batsman currently playing. Only God knows what his average would have been, if he hadn’t fallen short of the crease on the occasions he did and instead continued on. In […]


Front Foot Strokes


Back-foot strokes are often underestimated in comparison to front-foot ones, purely because to the naked eye they may not seem as attractive. Make no mistake though, the former take as much skill and finesse to execute perfectly, as the latter. Front-foot strokes are a treat to the eye. It is important to have a good […]


Back Foot Strokes


Back-foot strokes are often underestimated in comparison to front-foot ones, purely because to the naked eye they may not seem as attractive. Make no mistake though, the former take as much skill and finesse to execute perfectly, as the latter. Defense: It probably isn’t the most glamorous of shots, but is a definite must in […]


Batting Equipment


For a batsman, it is indispensable to wear protective gear, as a hard ball of around 160 grams can do serious damage, especially when propelled towards him at more than 140 kmph. Despite the use of following equipment, bruises or bumps are regular for a batsman; however their use increases the safety level to a […]


Grip, Stance, Back-Lift


The three basic skills, which come of use prior to the actual devoir of a batsman to hit the coming delivery to feasible parts of the ground to score as many runs as possible, are (i) Grip, (ii) Stance and (iii) Back-lift. The minute details of these skills may vary as per the personal preference […]


Hints & Tips


Learn how to bat and bowl by using easy mode and playing teams like Bangladesh who aren’t very good at batting or bowling. Australia is a good start. With world class batting and bowling its handy to be Australia until you get the hang of the game. Left handed batsmen play the square cut with […]