The Tiger King
Gentlemen and Gentlemen (there don't seem to be any ladies on CW) after the popularity of CW top 50 cricketers of all time I decided to act on NUFAN's idea and recreate this thread that was done about 5 years earlier by the Sean. Also CW demographics have probably changed over the last 5 years so the list would probably be different from last time. Would be an interesting exercise IMO to see what list this time's voting throws up.
The idea is simple.
People have to send in a list of their top 25 test cricketers of all time to me on
The scoring will be as follows
The cricketer on the 25th rank will get 1 point and the top ranking cricketer will get 25 points.
The sum total of all points individually for all the cricketers will determine their overall rank.
The cricketers ranked 50 - 21 will have a thread on them in groups of 5 each. The top 20 cricketers will then have a thread. In case people would prefer individual threads for only the the top 15 or top 25 do let me know. I will go ahead with that.
I hope this will be as good if not better than the last edition.
Ok guys, you have till Thursday 29th of March 2012 3 pm GMT to send in your entries.
Let the games begin
The idea is simple.
People have to send in a list of their top 25 test cricketers of all time to me on
The scoring will be as follows
The cricketer on the 25th rank will get 1 point and the top ranking cricketer will get 25 points.
The sum total of all points individually for all the cricketers will determine their overall rank.
The cricketers ranked 50 - 21 will have a thread on them in groups of 5 each. The top 20 cricketers will then have a thread. In case people would prefer individual threads for only the the top 15 or top 25 do let me know. I will go ahead with that.
I hope this will be as good if not better than the last edition.
Ok guys, you have till Thursday 29th of March 2012 3 pm GMT to send in your entries.
Let the games begin