Martin Chandler - ARTICLES


My A-Z Of Cricket


He may have left the commentary box but Henry Blofeld has not yet retired from writing on the game and, judging by this one, it is to be hoped that he carries on for a while yet


Boundary Books


It’s time the blog had a look at another dealer/publisher, and in this post Martin looks at the history of Boundary Books’ many, varied and rather special publishing activities


Keeper of Style


Those of a certain age who remember Middlesex and England wicketkeeper John Murray will enjoy this one, as will anyone else who takes an interest in the cricketing landscape of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s


A Rare Ovation


The fact that buying this one supports what may well be the oldest cricket club in the world is reason enough to make a purchase, but for those who might waver Martin confirms it is a decent read as well