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  • With regards to Public I think it was a combination of both, I found the topic a little bit alien at first with it containing so much theory. I think I also felt a little out of depth as everybody in my tutorial group/the people doing law that I live with had all had some prior exposure to it due to A Level Politics, A Level Law or even foundation degrees in Politics, so were much more familiar with a few of the concepts.
    The teaching for it is far and away the worst out of all my modules this year though, so that probably compounded the issue.

    Am happy with the choices I've gone for so now it's just waiting for them to be approved. I've heard a lot of people say similar things with regards to Land Law but it's got to be done I suppose. Hopefully I can say the same as you in 10-15 years time, looking back having never touched it again. Assuming I have the same experiences with it that others have, of course. Who knows, I may love it!
    Hi lad,

    Thanks a lot, fortunately I've been able to arrange a postponement, so it'll now be the day after my final exam, looking forward to it!

    It's with Berrymans Lace Mawer, are you familiar?
    Labour and Discrimination are separate modules. On reading the 'Course summary' I'd have to say that discrimination seems a lot more interesting than Labour.

    When I spoke to Sledger he said exactly the same about the Practice/Ethics haha. Can't say it sounds particularly brilliant as a module anyway.

    So with regards to Y3 modules. Administrative would be the most 'useful' and HR the most 'interesting' from your perspective?
    I've heard that Jurisprudence can be a good one to have as it's an 'academic' type of module and it can look good if you've done it and done well in it?

    Personally, I think Commercial law is something I'd like to explore in the future and I also think that Administrative is something that I'd struggle with, due to my experiences with Public (AKA Constitutional & Administrative) Law this year.

    Think I'm leaning towards and Evidence & Discrimination combination at the minute, alongside the compulsory Tort and Land, of course.
    Of 2nd year modules I've decided to take Evidence and then I have a choice between:
    Discrimination and Law
    Labour Law
    Lawyer Practice and Ethics
    Law of Religion
    Sociology of Law

    However none of those really seem all that appealing so I'm considering the avenue of selecting a third year module in 2nd year. This is acceptable but it doesn't work the other way, so I couldn't pick a second year module in Y3. The Y3 modules available to me are:
    Administrative Law
    Family Law
    Human Rights Law
    Commercial Law
    Hi Tom,
    Just a quick question, do you have any particular advice with regards to choosing modules for my second year? Whether to prioritise interest in topic matter? How much importance to place on assessment format (not that I'm phased by either essays or exams in particular really)? And other things like that?

    Hi, you're welcome to have honestbharani's vacated spot at the end of the line in the draft, Z.
    Mate, never had a beef with you, so don't take what I say personally. Outside of a couple of obvious exceptions, I only play the post not the poster. If I've fallen out with you (can't remember the specific examples before this time, though no doubt they exist) it's only because I have disagreed with your opinion on whatever is being spoken about, nothing more than that, and obviously I'd defend your right to have that opinion, no matter what I think of it.

    Play on.
    Hey, no worries at all. Sorry to hear that you've lost interest, but yes feel free to get in touch with any of us again if your desire returns. All the very best.
    Can you link me to all the posts that you want deleted? I assume you don't want the posts that you made since the report deleted?

    I can't do it tonight as I'm about to head out, but I should be able to do it within 24 hours, or organise another moderator to do it for me.
    No worries, glad to hear you had a good time!
    Yeah, Uni has been absolutely superb thus far. So much so that I seem to be in the opposite position of my friends who are considering dropping out after having been home, whereas I can't wait to get back!
    I was worried about the money situation prior to going but I worked a lot over summer and took a fair amount of savings with me, so that along with a decent budgeting system has stood me in good stead thus far. 16 weeks to get through between loan payments this term as opposed to 12 though, so could get a bit tight towards the end I guess.

    The study on the whole is great, am enjoying some aspects more than others; as is natural I suppose. It's intense but I knew what to expect prior to applying so I can't complain in that regard.

    No worries about the books, picked them all up from a second hand book sale which was always going to be my best bet I expect :)
    Merry Christmas Tom, hope you have a fantastic festive season whatever you may be doing.
    Am absolutely loving University, so once again thanks for all your help with my personal statement and helping me get to this stage :)
    Hi... just a quick mod'ing note... sorry for the delayed response but I was nominated to send this to you and unbeknownst to others I was on holiday. Please feel free to delete it once you've read it if you like. If you want any more feedback let me know.

    We just wanted to say thanks for coming clean on the precambrain multi. We know you didn't mean any harm, but just a quick note to ask you not to do it again. We're trying to take a hard line on multi's after recent member feedback and it'd really help us out if the waters didn't get muddied. Cheers.
    Thanks man. Really appreciate the gesture. It would be nice to speak to someone about it. Maybe you could give me some advice.
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