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  • When you specialise in your degree will depend from uni to uni, I suspect. You'll probably have the chance to do a couple of optional subjects but I wouldn't worry about that at all now, and the choice you make won't make or break your career either way. Some people know from the age of 5 that they want to work in (say) International Human Rights Law, others don't know what they want to do until they find themselves already doing it in practice (which is what happened to me).

    If you're thinking of going to Oz for a while, speak to Burgey (Cameron Burge) who's an Aussie barrister. He might be able to give you some tips and, who knows, maybe a contact or two as well.
    Yeah, I'd love to take a year out and do something different. My friend is moving out to Australia in August 2010 and his parents have already said that if I wanted to travel out there after A Levels they would put me up for as long as needed. Although I wouldn't want to stay in the same place for the entire year but it's definitely something I'd like to do. Whether I can get myself enough money to do it is a slightly different matter though :p.

    I'll probably go and speak to my school and see if they can help me arrange any form of work experience, I had some in Year 10 but I was rejected by 8 different placements and ended up doing it in school, I was pretty disappointed about that as I was really keen to get an idea of what goes on in the law firms. Hopefully I'll have better luck this time round!

    Oh and I meant to ask.. At which point do you begin to specialise in your degree? Working with criminal law would still be better paid than most jobs wouldn't it?
    Just another quick question if you don't mind? If I was to take a year out could I do it any point? Would I be able to do it after Postgraduate degree before I go onto the conversion course? Or between Bar School and Pupilage? Would you personally suggest a time where it is best to take a year out? Or would you advise against taking a year out in the middle of it all?

    How valuabe do you think it would be if I could try and organise some form of work experience with a Law firm?

    Wow, cheers for all that info. I will come back with another response and possibly a few more questions tomorrow if that's ok with you? Ought to be getting to bed now haha. Night and thanks once again.

    Bonus question :-P

    If I weren't to do Law at University and simply did another subject, what would I have to do from that point to become a barrister?

    I'm currently studying Maths A2 (sat GCSE and AS a year early), Biology, History and English Lit/Lang combined. I'm looking to finish all 4 of those subjects at A2 and have the option of doing some extras if I'd really like to. As it stands Citizenship AS lessons fit in perfectly with my free periods so I've dropped into one or two of those lessons a week and the teacher has given me a text book for the rest of it. She's said that she has had people come out of the exams with a B purely from reading the book so if I can do that in my spare time then it's a bonus.

    Last Wednesday-Friday I went on a residential trip with my school to the Oxbridge Universities and learnt a fair amount, still waiting for my brain to digest a large part of it though. So much to think about it but a big thing that I did learn from it was that whether or not I do the extra subject makes no odds, they only want the 3As so if it does end up taking too much time I'll bin it after AS or even before hand.
    16 just started AS levels this month. Ultimate ambition is to become a barrister though. Love the idea of it as a career! Mind if I ask which University you went to?

    Hey mate, ended up on your profile and saw one or 2 of your comments.
    Does your work involve the Law?

    Hey mate, trust all went well with the new arrival. Best wishes to you and the family.
    Ah yes. Well mate, if we don't educate them, who will?

    The Mason High Court was just about the high water mark in Aussie jurisprudence imo. There were some real stars there.
    Haha, I thought you might have enjoyed that. Now you get a Champions League spot...
    Haha oh yeah for sure. It will be sweet because we have been written off by many.
    Like you, I think Freddie being back is absolutely MASSIVE. I am fairly confident, I think we are capable of the win. I am just worried about Onions being dropped, I think that would be disastrous. Flintoff in for Harmison should be the only change to the bowling, but I am worried they might **** this up.
    Also I've just noticed Burgey's message to you and I completely agree, would be awesome
    Cheer up man, we will win tomorrow, I suspect you're just trying to avoid the jinx though ;)

    Which days are you at Edgbaston?
    Not telling you how to suck eggs or whatever, but seriously you're one of the more quotable posters on here and have a great turn of phrase. If you have time and are interested, reckon you should write some features tbh. I'm not speaking for the site, just my opinion of course. But I really reckon you'd be a first rate fit.

    Your opponent in the CW Cricket Championship (link) has provided their email address, so you now have to challenge them to a 5 over match to begin Round 1.

    Go to CW Cricket (link), click on multiplayer, enter your opponent's email address and follow the prompts and you're good to go.

    Good luck!
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