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  • Nah... I mailed James on this and it looks like they have decided this is how CW will be. So I am out of posting for good. Like I said, I only come in to read the opinions of majority of posters in CW whom I respect. Unfortunately it means weeding through absolute diatribe of the lifeless clique of posters. :)
    Hey man. Thanks a lot. :) I don't intend to post as the same **** folks clique seem to be posting most of the time anyways. I do care about most other posters' opinions on cricket and sometimes other stuff too. So I do intend to lurk a bit more. How are them drafts going? I see you got into some OT drafts too. :)
    Don't think I can. Things are a bit hectic now. I'm about to go AWOL from the forum for a few days too. Maybe the next one!
    Jimmy, Miller played for both NSW and Victoria. He ended with NSW so can I pick him in my team?
    Hey Jimmy, I assume you meant to pick Brian Statham rather than jason? If so, unfortunately I already picked him so you’ll have to reselect!
    Ah buddy, cancer sucks, she’s just under 30 y o and to have this over you is incredibly hard to deal with. Thanks for your message mate.
    Lol I'm keen to but Red Hill asked me if he could do it coz he was keen and it didn't feel right to say no. Maybe I'll suggest to him we share the duty and I'll just fire up the initial voting thread soon
    Hi Jimmy, just got ICC 18 myself. Saw your Sim league. A bit too late on it myself but was just wondering are you simming individual games ? Or is there a tournament mode where you can pick all the teams in ATG mode? Because I did not see that?

    And where is that points table from? From ICC or are you updating that manually?
    Can you confirm if the sim only considers the stats from 1999-2018 or the players picked or their entire career stats as long as they played in that period.?
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