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  • Yeah, but then I have to pick another spinner :( Will mull it over.
    Need to offload Irfan somewhere
    Don't think that would count against Irfan either, it's not like he's retired or anything. He's still playing cricket.
    I realise you won't do it direct which is why I've offered you stuff like Irfan for Weerakoon!
    Sarwan was available when I picked Albie, don't rate him recently either. Test record has been absolutely meh for some time (one exceptional series aside).

    Don't really want to trade Katich, he was basically a Round 2 pick :p
    No you didn't, you said "Albie has scored just about 300 runs only the last few years" - nothing of the sort.
    There were a number of players who averaged 50 but only a handful of them played more than half the season.

    Morkel has been consistent over a number of seasons, I gave you the numbers. Since 2005 he averages more than 400 runs a season @ 50.2 and averages just shy of 20 wickets a season @ 27.6. They're pretty awesome numbers in one of the toughest domestic competitions around.

    India has players with ridiculous averages because there are many, many more players - including poor players. That means the best players develop ridiculous averages (Badri) and the good-mediocre players have pretty flattering averages (Vijay).

    You did have the option of picking Morkel when you picked Badri, though I don't think you realise his value. Also, it's why I'm trying to balance the trade with other things such as Pathan and/or draft picks but you're not giving me much compromise
    If you can't do Albie straight for Badrinath then what are you interested in? I don't have a front line bowler to offer you really other than Irfan Pathan? Could do that I guess?
    Albie + Irfan for Badri and Weerakoon? (I don't actually want Weerakoon but if I take him it means I can change the pick to somebody else)
    Neither of those things are true, he scored over 400 runs last season and took more than 15 wickets. As for the number of games there are only 6 teams in SuperSport cricket so players only play a maximum of 10 games per season. Morkel actually had the best batting average of players to play half the season.

    Vijay might have impressive numbers but it still doesn't get past the fact the scores his runs on flatter pitches and in a competition with a much greater number of players so the talent and standard is diluted.

    Badrinath has been incredible, but so has Morkel in all honesty. Honestly, you need to look past quantity, Morkely may have only taken 16 wickets last season but he was only just outside the top 10 wicket takers in the competition and only Tahir and Philander took them at a substantially better average.
    You might say that trading draft picks is pointless at the minute but I'm offering you the chance to complete your first XI a round earlier than everybody else basically. In place of picking your 3rd/4th choice reserve or whatever, you can pick your XIth man now.
    Katich is my second spinner, if you take him then I have to pick a frontline spinner and all of a sudden I go from having Philander at 10 to having Philander at 8. Not ideal.

    Not sure how volume of runs etc are counted but I, myself, don't look into them all that much. As long as a player has played enough games then it's fine, otherwise it's unfair as some domestic competitions have fewer teams etc. I'd rather have both Albie and Katich ahead of Vijay so that really is a no go, he might average 50 in domestic cricket but that's not all that impressive in India. It's not bad but I reckon Albie managing it in South Africa is more impressive.

    Also, Albie might not be anymore than a 5th bowler for you but he's a hell of an improvement on your current 5th bowler. Your batting is ridiculously better than your bowling at the minute. You might be able to rack up big totals but who are you going to turn to if your front liners don't do a job? Sarwan? Chanders?
    I'm losing too much bowling then. Since 2005 Albie has averaged 50 with the bat and 27 with the ball.
    Your side is very batting heavy at the minute and a bowler like Albie in your top 6/7 would give you pretty incredible balance. As it stands I have too many bowling options and Badri would be the rock in my middle order. Suits both sides in principle.
    Rather than trading other players I'd be much happier to trade draft picks. My next pick for your 12th/13th or something?
    Albie? I know you said you don't rate him, and in Limited Overs cricket he is a bit of a bits and pieces player but his FC form is pretty remarkable. In the last 2 years he's averaged 68 with the bat and 28 with the ball(!!)

    Didn't mean to double post the "Come on" ftr.
    Irfan Pathan's stats in the last two years - 687 runs @ 38.16; 58 wickets @ 19.91
    Could easily bat at 8 and open the bowling your your side. Not like you'd miss Badri that much in your lineup anyway :O Batting galore!
    20 packs of peanuts, Irfan Pathan and my Round 10 pick for Badri + your Round 16 pick?
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