Martin Chandler - ARTICLES


The All Time Great that CricketWeb forgot


In our recent quest for the top 50 cricketers of all time 109 names were put forward. In this feature Martin explains his surprise and disappointment that Stan McCabe’s wasn’t one of them.


No Boundaries


Two stars may well be the lowest rating Martin has ever awarded, so I was convinced this would be one to miss until I read the last paragraph of the review. Now I am not so sure.


Cricket Web Book of The Decade


Those regular readers may notice that when reviewed, our winning book only received 4.5 stars. This occurred because there was an agreement between the staff that we would not award five stars, but this policy has since changed and there is no doubt that our winner is a five star book.


Shabash! Pakistan


Kennington Oval, 17th August 1954. A great bowler surveys the scene of what was, perhaps, his greatest triumph. In this feature CricketWeb tells the story of a unique victory.


The Rebel Tours


Yet another hit for Martin, he seems to be only reviewing quality reads of late. I don’t know about the other readers of this section but I am struggling to keep up with all the titles I need to acquire!


An Extraordinary July Day in Ulster


Many feel that Cricket Ireland’s desire to obtain Test status is an unrealistic expectation but those who can recall a match at Sion Mills on July 2nd 1969 may not. In this feature Cricket Web looks back at a remarkable game of cricket.