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The biggest spinner of the cricket ball?

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I don't want to muddy the waters, but it's probably worth noting that one of Murali's action's harshest and most consistent critics has been Bishan Singh Bedi, who I think one can assume isn't part of some shadowy racist cabal:

Murali didn't take 800 wickets, those were run-outs: Bedi | New Zealand in India 2016 News - Times of India (indiatimes.com)
he's not racist but he's certainly bitter about another spinner overtaking him

IIRC he considers Bhajji to be a chucker too


Cricketer Of The Year
The argument falls flat on the face when Hair is replaced by Emerson.

1. Called two leg breaks
2. Called three years later when Murali was cleared.

Now who let this clown officiate another match once (1) has happened? It was bleeding obvious he was premeditated, when he called two frikking leg breaks. When (2) happeend it was once again obvious he was not doing it alone. Whoever the administration should have kicked him out when (1) happened. It shows the administration also had a part to play. Extrapolating the situation, it is difficult to believe that Hair also was not premeditated for the call or was not under pressure to call.

Once again focusing only on Hair is a poor attempt, not to discuss the elephant in the room.
Not sure I follow. Emerson isn't Hair? Where's the evidence they were colluding? And why is Emerson an elephant in the room?

I would suggest that yes, Hair was premeditated in calling Murali. But you've just pulled the 'under pressure to call' from nowhere. Darryl Hair is his own man, for all I see.

I admire your passion, but it might be fair to assume that you have too big of a dog in this fight to be able to see reason or act without bias.

Racism is a hell of a card to hand out, you'd want to be pretty sure before using it.


Cricketer Of The Year


Bedi is a known egotist and antagonist - I wouldn't pay much heed to that.
Well, quite.

One could probably say the same of Hair and Emerson too; my point was essentially just because someone's a tool with an agenda it doesn't mean they're necessarily a racist.

Although one suspects the respective Venn diagrams have a fair bit of overlap.


Cricketer Of The Year
Well, quite.

One could probably say the same of Hair and Emerson too; my point was essentially just because someone's a tool with an agenda it doesn't mean they're necessarily a racist.

Although one suspects the respective Venn diagrams have a fair bit of overlap.
Ah okay, I missed that but yeah, that's my point too.


Whatever it takes!!!
says guy who has spent the better part of ten pages saying it's racist to call murali a chucker but
It would help if you could read posts after removing your mouth from Burgey's backside.

And please tell me where I said that? Its funny how the defense for posts with racist tropes is more strawmen arguments that nobody made. Really says a lot that you are this desperate.


International Regular
AKA generally people can stop being hypocrites regarding this and consistently bringing up one player only.

If people still don't get this then there's really no hope for their mental faculties.
Yet to see anyone actually acknowledge this. Clearly it's confirmed that whatever they're supposed to have up there is irrevocably damaged unless proven otherwise.

Shady Slim

International Coach
It would help if you could read posts after removing your mouth from Burgey's backside.

And please tell me where I said that? Its funny how the defense for posts with racist tropes is more strawmen arguments that nobody made. Really says a lot that you are this desperate.
isn't that what this whole thing has been about? because for all the talk of "racist posting", i can't actually see anyone having pointed to and identified whatever The Big Racism, you know, actually is...
Yet to see anyone actually acknowledge this. Clearly it's confirmed that whatever they're supposed to have up there is irrevocably damaged unless proven otherwise.
buddy i've got a windmill you can tilt at for the low price of $599.99


Whatever it takes!!!
isn't that what this whole thing has been about? because for all the talk of "racist posting", i can't actually see anyone having pointed to and identified whatever The Big Racism, you know, actually is...
Try reading the thread. And every other thread about Murali and their specific posts on it.

Shady Slim

International Coach
Still waiting for a response that isn't just nonsense. Disgraceful that you can't really say anything.
GEOCENTRIST AT THE ASTRONOMY CONFERENCE: the fact that none of you have refuted my point to a standard i deem fit means you're all intellectually bankrupt!! no i'm not pissing my pants right now why do you ask!!
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