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  • Haha I still have them. Will send them if you give me an address. Alternatively command to Australia to claim your prize.
    Nah mate, just was curious after hearing about Lesnar and Rock beating Cena clean.

    Is Rock coming back for an extended time?
    whats happening the world of CW these days old mate. I havent been around much lately
    Yeah, definitely! That'd be the ideal scenario. Although none of my friends are really into cricket, so taking them to a test match would probably not be the best idea.
    Haha oh, no, just seen it. Has taken me all this time to work out how to do that. Message has been binned. Lack of an obvious "delete" button must have thrown me. Had assumed that it had been disabled by accident along with the signature of something.
    Yeah absolutely no worries lad. That said, I can't delete the VM, I think the mods disabled that particular function as part of a disciplinary measure, shall I ask one of them to get rid?
    Yeah sounds good to me lad, I'm not going to be anywhere other than in London until the end of May, so I'll be free any day, just give me a day's notice and I'll be well up for it, will get Pothas on board as well. Whereabouts are you going to be staying?
    Wouldn't have to be conducting business of any sort if you had come up good on that job ****. Get a move on imo.
    May make another phone call to Mr. Kilshaw in the coming weeks Fred. It's time for Sledger to sort his future out, sadly.
    Thanks... I'm a scientist... I make drugs :p
    Hopefully there'll be more interest once the home season comes about.
    I really couldn't take it if we lost. Guess I have to watch it, but really don't want to. Maybe our performance against Blackburn will sway me.
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