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  • Turns out Greenidge should have been in the banned players list. Will mail you another choice now instead of Greenidge if its okay with you.
    Not entirely sure what you mean TBH, first-chance averages apply to batsmen, not to time periods.
    Cheers man, I have sent the mail. Selected Greg Chappell at first after doing a ctrl+f search for his name on the page, then saw Matt already had him in his side. So, I have sent you another player for 9a.
    I am going to change one of my picks in the sheepdraft. Will mail you in a couple of minutes. Check it out.
    Can you use my first answer for question 4 please (Roy)? Can't access email atn :/
    Alright cheers...it's only for this one round that it'll be a problem anyway. I'll add you on MSN when I get home, if you don't mind.My selections are A Morris and Ironmonger, for what it's worth.
    Hi NUFAN, I can't actually send my e-mail for some reason, and the PM facility is disabled. Not sure what to do as I have my two answers? (Sorry for the Agony Aunt tone, it's not intended).
    Klinger averages 38 now, haha. Cowan still doesn't, he probably will soon though; he's finally found his feet. Dan Marsh has dropped below 38.
    Hey up.

    If you let me know which weeks you won't be about for I'll email the fixtures through if you tell me yours.

    Mine's dalebrumby(at)supanet(dot)com
    I'd boof your choice - I'll pick him straight away then, if you are not online, because we definitely don't want to be late with this pick.
    Thanks mate, not a worry, I'm sure one of the fine establishments will be happy to have a former schoolboy opener who rolls in some medium pace from around the wicket.

    Will hit you up for the fashion advice, I've heard cream is in these days? God know what they were thinking when they chose that, so last season.
    Hey mate, I'm looking into joining a club for the coming cricket season in Townsville, any that you'd reccomend or some people to get in touch with?

    Much love, Jarko.
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