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Official Gibbs Ban Thread


Cricket Web Staff Member
The truth is out there, Hersch

Telford Vice

January 17, 2007

Howzit Hersch,

Trust you're bearing up - this too shall pass, at least, that's what they tell me. Anyway. It was wonderful to see you in decent batting nick at Centurion. Good grafting stuff, and bad luck about missing the century.

As for the other issue, if the offending fans were white would you still have said what you said? That's what the racism argument boils down to, you see.

I'm asking this question because when the South African team suffered racist abuse from spectators - most of them white - in Australia last season, there was no shouting about or at the fans from the field. At least, none seems to have been recorded.

I'm not calling you racist, I'm trying to explain why some people might do so.

And what about the Pakistani batsmen who were out there on the field with you? Didn't you think that what you said broke the admittedly unwritten rules of sledging? Also, how does it change anything if you were talking to your teammates? The comments you made are still out there, regardless.

I have to tell you that when I heard for myself what you said, I was disgusted. It's not the swearing. Bloody hell, I'm a reporter - we were born effing and blinding, and I'll continue to do so until I b****r off this mortal coil at the age of 112. So swearing doesn't scare me. Instead, it was your harsh tone that struck me most.

There was something close to hate in your voice, Hersch, and that's not a pretty sound. I have this mental pen pic of you as an easy-going bloke who enjoys his talent and realises how lucky he is to make his living in the sunshine. That wasn't what I heard on that tape.

I do not doubt that the Pakistan supporters were becoming increasingly unruly. They were loud and irritating from the distance of the press box, never mind from over your shoulder. In fact, the reporting of this story has been unfair to you because all we have to go on is what you said. This saga will remain unfairly skewed against you unless we are somehow able to reveal what the fans were saying. Let no one suggest that they are blameless in all this.

Be that as it may, if the security staff did their jobs properly when they removed the supporters who swore at Paul Harris, why didn't you call the big boys in when things went too far where you were fielding?

I should tell you that I do have some idea of how you felt. Three hours after the close of play on Sunday, I was still working in the press box. The plan was to send the BBC a few clips of what Mickey Arthur had said at the press conference that evening. The plan was not working, because of a man and his leafblower.

Now, a leafblower is an inspired choice for removing the debris left behind in the stands by the crowd after a day's play, and this bloke had been doing his job infuriatingly well for two hours. Do you know what a leafblower sounds like, Hersch? It's a bit like an elephant shoving its trunk into your ear and trumpeting for all its worth. Try editing audio clips with that racket going on.

After two hours of this little lot, the end of my tether was at hand. The chairs in the Centurion press box are sturdy, and made of metal ... Yup, I hurled a chair into the stand the man was cleaning. Not at him, of course - I was simply trying to attract his attention to ask him when a semblance of silence might return. But that doesn't change anything. I should have contacted the stadium manager, I should have followed the procedures. I should have kept my cool. I didn't.

I enjoyed an instant of satisfaction as the chair clattered into the plastic stadium seating. Then I realised just what an unprofessional, reckless idiot I had been. I tried to find the man to apologise, but he was long gone.

The next morning, I asked for a few moments of the stadium chief executive's time. I explained myself, and I was relieved when she decided to let the matter rest there.

I think I reacted as most people would have done. I realised I had done something that required an apology and that I might have my accreditation withdrawn as a consequence. That realisation doesn't make me anything special, it was entirely normal.

Which makes me wonder why, after admitting your guilt, you're now pursuing an appeal. It looks like you think you needn't have to face the consequences of your actions.

I can't tell you how disappointing that is. But, hey, I'll get over it, and pretty soon you'll be one of my favourite players again.

I'll stop bending your ear now. Before I do, I need to ask you to keep this between us. I know it's going to be on the worldwide web, and that many millions of people will have access to it. But there's stuff in here that I'd rather not have broadcast out there. So, off the record? Know what I mean?


Telford Vice
Yeah, I read that, I thought Telford raised some pertinent questions. I could understand Herschelle Gibbs being a bit annoyed if he does read it, though - I've never been a fan of these open-letters, though I do sort of understand what he's doing here - the very valid point that if you're going to talk to your team-mates and are intending what you're saying for their ears, be a bit more careful of stump-mics, because we all know they're there.

archie mac

International Coach
If you think the shots played in the Twenty20 are any worse than the shots played in the first two games of the Commonwealth Bank Series you're seriously deluded. Shame that one of the Twenty20-hater brigade are baselessly whining about Twenty20 in completely unrelated threads as usual.

I am not a big fan of ODI cricket either tbh. I watched some of the Aussie innings V England (20/20) some decent shots, but still a crap game and concept imo

I stay out of the 20/20 threads, I am sure people do not want me whining about a game they enjoy, so I think the occasional swipe (nothing to servere lbh) in another thread is okay.

I imagine it is a bit like people rubbishing Monty anytime they see a chance8-)


U19 12th Man
Its ruining the pakistan vs south africa thread so we should discuss it here
im continuing it here

i dont see why this should be a special case for gibbs cos the crowd pissed him off

nearly every other player gets abuse from the crowd and if noone else retaliates then gibbs should be able to ignore it too

if you want the yobs to apologise then why not round every crowd member who has abused players in history to apologise?

should FIFA allow a liverpool football player to jump in the crowd and kick the **** out of an everton fan for abusing him?
Do you realise that the only reason he got caught was because the stump mic was on? How do you know other players that get abused don't react with racial sluring comments at times. You can't say they don't cause you don't know.

And this is not FIFA, please don't bring that hooligan sport up on these boards :@


International Vice-Captain
I wish someone would say EXACTLY what Gibbs is getting suspended for.

The only quote i've heard off cricinfo is "They're a bunch of ****ing animals" and if he got a two match ban for that i'm gonna eat my own hat.


U19 Cricketer
I wish someone would say EXACTLY what Gibbs is getting suspended for.

The only quote i've heard off cricinfo is "They're a bunch of ****ing animals" and if he got a two match ban for that i'm gonna eat my own hat.
he said"****ing pakistanis"


Global Moderator
One problem with Telford's piece is that you don't know what was said at all by the South Africans on the ground with regards to the abuse they copped from the crowd in Australia. It's interesting how clear SA's stump mics always seem to be compared to other countries', too.


Hall of Fame Member
And if you're suggesting that no Australians (or virtually none) were among those throwing racist abuse, there seem to be a whole lot of South African expats in Australia all of a sudden...
No particular need to debate this issue again, but FYI, there are a lot of South African expats in parts of Australia, particularly in Perth, where the main incident occured.


I am not a big fan of ODI cricket either tbh. I watched some of the Aussie innings V England (20/20) some decent shots, but still a crap game and concept imo

I stay out of the 20/20 threads, I am sure people do not want me whining about a game they enjoy, so I think the occasional swipe (nothing to servere lbh) in another thread is okay.

I imagine it is a bit like people rubbishing Monty anytime they see a chance8-)
Hahaha, I didn't think you had it in you Archie.


Cricket Web Staff Member
I was having a bad morning, I usually don't let SP worry me tbh:)
Why not?

The more people that let that dumbaess know he's "worrying" them, the better, maybe then he might bugger off when he realises that virtually everyone (far more than in the case of myself) find him an obnoxious dimwit.

Slow Love™

International Captain
The main thing in this to me is that it's very plausible that a comment like the one Gibbs made could be made without any specifically racial abuse implied. I'm aware that it could have been intended as a racial smear, but I don't think in this case that that's quite good enough. And I kinda wonder if Chris Broad isn't over-compensating just the tiniest bit in characterising Gibbs' comments that way. It's a serious allegation to make, and myself, I'd require a little bit more than what Gibbs said to designate it as a racist offence in the recordbooks for posterity. And given that the "zoo" comment (which appears to fuel the charge) was apparently said by somebody else, it seems weird that Gibbs is in the dock by himself.

I thought Telford Vice's article was pretty grubby myself - why keep insisting you're not calling Gibbs a racist if you're going to keep insinuating that's exactly what you think he is? Seemed a bit cheap to me.

Regardless of Gibbs' guiltiness when it comes to racism though, you have to laugh at some of the assumptions that get made about how racism works. It seemed suggested at times that the fact that Gibbs is "colored" meant he couldn't be a racist (at least, towards other "brown people"). But that's simply not how racism works. A Black African can harbour prejudice when it comes to South East Asians, and vice versa. Many racists don't universally vilify all other races/ethnicities/nationalities, and it frequently doesn't come down to black/brown vs white - they usually pick one or more groups that they consider particularly troublesome or inferior or offensive, and they can often be quite accomodating of the rest. It can vary according to political climate or nationalistic rhetoric. I think that some people see it as much simpler than it is. Just had to get that off my chest. :)


Cricket Web Staff Member
Slow Love™;1047661 said:
I thought Telford Vice's article was pretty grubby myself - why keep insisting you're not calling Gibbs a racist if you're going to keep insinuating that's exactly what you think he is? Seemed a bit cheap to me.
Do you really think that's what he was insinuating?

I didn't. Will re-read it and try to decipher something of that sort from it.

EDIT: no, still can't see anything of the sort. Certainly not keeping insinuating. I thought he was just giving reasons why Gibbs had been careless.
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