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Ricky Ponting...


Neil Pickup said:
I'm intrigued as to the presence of the fifth star here.

If it's what I thought it was, I've not been called that since I was eight.
Nobody has called you that for a whole year, I dont believe you.


Cricket Web Staff Member
Scallywag said:
Get real loser I'm just getting warmed up.

You remind me of Vaughan, bit of a dimwit with a poor record and a legend in his own lunchbox.
I look forward to the thaw setting in, although at the moment you seem to be adding a whole new meaning to the word 'entropy'.

Oh no, my mistake. Just the usual one - "Degradation into an ultimate state of inert uniformity". Quite apt - although seeing as you make so many typographical errors yourself, "Inept uninformity" might be more to the point.


luckyeddie said:
I look forward to the thaw setting in, although at the moment you seem to be adding a whole new meaning to the word 'entropy'.

Oh no, my mistake. Just the usual one - "Degradation into an ultimate state of inert uniformity". Quite apt - although seeing as you make so many typographical errors yourself, "Inept uninformity" might be more to the point.
So what you are saying is I cant maintain constant stupidity like yourself.


marc71178 said:
You have a valid point?

Why haven't you posted it then?
I have but you cant show why you have a valid point. (Although you have a valid point for contraception)

Why Ricky Ponting is rated so highly as a captain even by the hard-boiled Ian Chappell was evident in the post-match briefing after Sri Lanka had been decimated in the first semi-final.
Ponting arrived with Andrew Symonds by his side, wearing his peak cap at a tilt and a broad smile that stretched from ear to ear. "Did you expect to win after scoring only 212 runs,'' was the first salvo fired at him. "It was a threshold score,'' he said, "but we have players whose ability I trust when the chips are down.''
That brought a huge smile on Symonds' face too. Belief in the talent of his players and the capacity to support them even when the going was rough made Ian Chappell one of Australia 's most influential captains. Some of his team-mates still refer to him as 'skipper', which in the cynical world of former international cricketers is a huge accolade.
Ponting seems cast in the same mould - an aggressive batsman and thinker, a no-nonsense talker, and a players' captain - all this without sacrificing his individuality.
To have reached the final of the World Cup without Shane Warne and Jason Gillespie - two matchwinners - is a measure of not only the depth of Australian cricket, but also Ponting's self-confidence and his ability to drive his players to success.
Like Chappell, Ponting feels and plays cricket from the gut, and his hunches have paid off marvelously. Symonds, for instance, was a marginal selection. "There were other names discussed,'' said Ponting at the briefing, "But I have seen in domestic cricket what this man could do. You have got to give such players the confidence.''
Perhaps Ponting's bigger success has been Brett Lee, who was not always an automatic choice for the one-day squad under Steve Waugh, certainly not the man for the new ball, and whenever he played was asked to cut down on speed for greater control.
But Ponting, in what could be his most decisive attempt to emerge from Waugh's shadow, has given Lee the new ball and asked him to bowl as quick as he can. The results have been dramatic for his team, and traumatic for the opponents.
More than Shane Bond, and much, more than Shoaib Akhtar, Lee has been the most dangerous fast bowler in the World Cup.
For his hard work, Ponting has rewarded him with attacking fields - for a few overs against Sri Lanka he bowled with two slips, gully, short mid-wicket, silly point, shortish cover and short mid-wicket - and an understanding pat on the back if he has been hit for runs, or has had a catch dropped off his bowling.
That reflects belief not only in the player, but also in himself and his tactics. In many ways, that shows why Australia have been so successful in this tournament. uuuuu Aravinda de Silva's farewell innings in international cricket ended in dismay

And why would I take your opinion over Peter Roebuck
Peter Roebuck on Ponting

Ricky Ponting has been the captain of this tournament. If he maintains this form, he will be the man lifting the trophy on March 23. Tactically, he has been superior to any rival; his selections have been justified by events and his team is sustaining its effort through the hottest days. Pakistan lasted about as long as the Maginot line. Ponting has shown only one fault, an inability to convince his players that conduct counts.

Ponting showed his strengths in Johannesburg by leading a fightback after early wickets had fallen. He had much on his mind as he took guard, not least the loss of his friend, Shane Warne, whose departure weakened the attack. Michael Bevan and Darren Lehmann were also missing, which made the loss of early wickets even more alarming. Far from panicking, the Tasmanian played his own game, regaining the initiative with some typically crisp strokes. Australians protect the initiative like vestals protect their virginity. Pakistan was pushed back and soon resorted to doomed and defensive tactics calculated to hasten the over-rate.

Watching the Australians run on to the field was to know that victory was in the bag. Ponting dashed out, paused, and gathered his players amidst much backslapping and activities described by younger writers as high-fives. Perhaps the Australians had been aroused by the disgraceful beamers sent down by the opposing captain, dark deliveries demanding a much stiffer penalty. Ponting's men played noisily, aggressively and confidently. After all, a team is as strong as its weakest link and his name is, or was, Andrew Symonds. Ponting has been the Queenslander's main supporter and his faith was rewarded. Admittedly, Symonds was helped by the caution of his opponents. Pessimists cannot beat Australia.


Cricket Web Staff Member
Scallywag said:
So what you are saying is I cant maintain constant stupidity like yourself.
Yes, Scallywag - if it makes you happy (and if that's your best offering, you are easily pleased - come to think of it, it IS your best offering) then that is precisely what I am saying.

I'm just surprised that you haven't resorted to the "I know you are but what am I?" riposte - far more in keeping with your usual standard, don't you think?


luckyeddie said:
Yes, Scallywag - if it makes you happy (and if that's your best offering, you are easily pleased - come to think of it, it IS your best offering) then that is precisely what I am saying.

I'm just surprised that you haven't resorted to the "I know you are but what am I?" riposte - far more in keeping with your usual standard, don't you think?
I prefer the keep them on the end of a piece of string statergy. But I do find you quite a laugh as you try so hard to be intelligent.


International Regular
Scallywag said:
I prefer the keep them on the end of a piece of string statergy. But I do find you quite a laugh as you try so hard to be intelligent.
You've been banned once. You have been granted another chance. Another slip and that's gone.


Andre said:
You've been banned once. You have been granted another chance. Another slip and that's gone.
But you find this acceptable.

Originally Posted by luckyeddie

You seem to have all the debating skills of a dodo, the spelling abilities of an orang-utan with a typewriter and the cricketing knowledge of a sack of lemons. The only thing you are capable of keeping on the end of a piece of string is a kite - and then you'll go and make the mistake of taking it out of the packet.

Must be one of your better days

Want to explain why this is OK.


International Regular
Scallywag said:
But you find this acceptable.

Originally Posted by luckyeddie

You seem to have all the debating skills of a dodo, the spelling abilities of an orang-utan with a typewriter and the cricketing knowledge of a sack of lemons. The only thing you are capable of keeping on the end of a piece of string is a kite - and then you'll go and make the mistake of taking it out of the packet.

Must be one of your better days

Want to explain why this is OK.
Actually, I've spoken to Eddie about it privately.


You'll Never Walk Alone
Scallywag said:
So why warn me on the forum but privately warn Eddie. Dont you want people to know that he has been warned.
duuude, stop digging your own grave, jump out, and realise youve been gifted another chance!!


You'll Never Walk Alone
btw Zeke... youve posted only 44 times, yet you have gained a huge amount of respect! nice, may you continue to use the site :D


School Boy/Girl Cricketer
Nnanden said:
btw Zeke... youve posted only 44 times, yet you have gained a huge amount of respect! nice, may you continue to use the site :D
Respect follows me around like a lovesick puppy. I can't help it.


Eyes not spreadsheets
Scallywag said:
I have but you cant show why you have a valid point. (Although you have a valid point for contraception)

Quoting 2 extremely biased journalists from Australia will do nothing to say anything about Ponting's abilities - until the Aussie team loses all it's stars, there is not enough of a challenge to him to judge him against someone who has no real stars in his team, yet still has them up competing with the best.
