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*Official* CW XI Media Coverage


Hall of Fame Member
Lezama has now been downgraded. Im not sure who you are counting but by my count Green have 14 players (until Megan signs in) with a total of 51 points.
I presume he was refering to Hing and Midnight (forum name), two of your back up batsmen from last season. Those two plus Megan equal 17 players, but all three need to sign in anyway.


International 12th Man
CW Red Weekly - Your Infrequent Red Magazine

Competition Seeing Red
Loddy Twinshins

The 12th Season of the Cricket Web Development League is more anticipated than ever, with the new contract system coming in to place, and some exciting rookies coming into the fold. We'll take this time however to look into the most important aspect of Season XII, Cricket Web Red. The team has always been a forerunner in the league, at least in activities outside of cricket, however success on the field has eluded the prestigious club so far. If we're to believe those at Red, all this is going to change this season, the players showing an unparalleled desire to win the silverware this season. Today we'll take a look at the players in the Red squad, and the impact the players will have on the season.

Håkon Mørk (c)
Newly appointed captain Håkon has big shoes to fill this season, taking over the role of captain from one of the greatest cricketing minds Cricket Web has been blessed with. A counterpoint to Dave Watt's aggressive, in your face attitude, it will be interesting to see which direction the Norwegian descended captain takes the club. His batting can only improve, and he is sure to thrive under the newfound responsibility, coming in with some form from the county season. Expect him to be a great loss for the Reds when away on test duty. He could also be a potent force in the One Day arena, where he has been underestimated, and will certainly be doing his utmost to lead by example.

Dave Watt
Yet to sign his contract, Dave will be an important part of the squad for the season, providing a shining example of how to bowl the ball in both forms of the game. After recently making his test debut, he'll be looking forward to making a strong showing in FC this season, and should be able to show for CW once more. Expect him to lead the Red OD attack, and with the weight of captaincy responsibility removed, he'll be at his explosive best.

Jamee Gray
The Journeyman Keeper is set to have a big impact at Red this year, with a potential opening in the one day team, he may finally get the game time he deserves. He will also need to fire while Håkon is away on test duty, and will be a major part of keeping the Red's First Class hopes alive. We're expecting Jamee to shin this season and finally shed the role of bit-player which has been his lot for so much of his career.

David Kearsley
Young David Kearsely will hold a pivotal role for the Red batting lineup, and he will be required to fire this season in order to give the Red machine a solid platform. A disappointing showing last season will have to be improved upon, and if he can fire the Reds will surely be a force to be reckoned with.

Rob Dauth
Illegally held by a draconian foreign power, yet Cricket Web does nothing. Despite the best efforts of Red management, we've been unable to obtain a release for Rob. An important part of the Red batting Lineup, perhaps the most important part, Rob had a terrible season eleven and we all expect him to come out all guns blazing. If Red can manage to secure his contract, expect some great things, he can only come back mentally stronger than ever. Expect him to be a major loss to international duties.

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The Pickford Times

"Here come the men in black..."

With just one month until seasons launch and most rookies drafted, the new look CW Black squad for Season XII met at the Pickford Reserve for a team photo and an introductory media function. Some of the players sat for a press conference to talk with the national media, journo's eager to ask the tough questions of everyone, especially the captaincy team, who for the first time in many seasons wasn't fronted by Neil Pickup and his deputy (and fellow spin partner) Dave Richards. Here are a few excerpts from the press-conference:

How are you looking forward to the coming season, considering the changes and drama the past 6 months have been filled with?

Dan Smith: "Yeah, we're excited. Why wouldn't we be? It's a new season, it's nearly an entire new squad. There's no doubt we'll miss the blokes that are gone, but we've filled their spots admirably and will power on. There's no point in living in the past. Our guys will serve their suspensions, and they'll be back, that's the bottom line. I'm just glad the season has nearly started so I can settle all these off-field rivalries on the pitch."

Ash Chaulk: "Really looking forward to this season, a lot of new faces to go with some of the older club playersm and to add to that the challenge of vice-captaincy. We've lost and then gained a lot of great cricketers and I think it'll be a good thing for all parties. Just really looking forward to getting to know some of the new blokes should be great."

Neil Pickup: "For me, the end of Season XI was fantastic point to pass on the baton of the black captaincy - a double title haul, a commanding FC league victory, and the best comeback since Lazarus in the OD's. Now, Black have a different look, a different core of the team but the same key spirit - the sheer belief that we ARE going to win. Other teams think that they can - we know we will."

James Stedman: "I think all of us are just itching to get started again. The past six months were indeed significant for the club, however I'm excited by the new signings and am very curious as to how they will perform"

Ian Markus: "Personally, I feel rejuvenated and excited to have pledged my allegiances to black for the coming season. Whilst I must admit over the off season I did consider my career in the game I can now say I'm committed to the cause."

How have your new players gelled in with the squad from last season?

Smith: "Yeah it's been great, it's like they've always been here really. Everyone here really wants to be here and that's how we want it. Though, I think I'll let some of the new guys give their POV on this."

Zac Gelman: "We've got on like a house on fire. I really couldn't have asked to join a club with a greater atmosphere. Everyone is friendly and helpful, there is a relaxed and entertaining mood around the clubhouse. This is in contrast to the professional, focused and resolute atmosphere shown by the players on the field and during training sessions that will ensure we retain all our silverware at the end of the season."

Kev Goughy: "Brilliantly. Under the new captain and the atmosphere of being a target, the guys at Black have pulled together and are looking to retain our titles. On a personal level it was good to get to know Gelman at California before arriving at Black HQ. There is a real team spirit and every corner of the dressing room has a character in it. Not only good cricketers but exciting and fun people to be around (if a little crazy)"

Gerard Armstrong: "It's been good, total minimum of fuss, on with the job. That's the way I like to play my cricket."

There seems to be a general consensus that your club isn't well liked by your peers, can you shed any light on that?

Smith: "As Kev said earlier, we're a bunch of characters. We crack jokes, we poke fun, we even bait a bit, and I guess some people just don't like that. But to be honest, we don't really care about the perception. It really doesn't matter in the end who likes us or not, what matters is that we get along as a side and as a bunch of mates, and we win some games of cricket. "

Alex Blackman: "I guess I'm quite a tough personality to handle. You've gotta take most of what I say with a grain of salt and it seems that a few people in the league aren't able to do that. The fact that I have a ****house season then finish it off with the highest FC score in Devver's history doesn't help either."

Gelman: "Well, I think a lot of that stems from jealousy to be perfectly honest. CW Blacks have always been a prestigious and great team. When the supposed downfall occurred after lasts years unprecedented success for the Blacks, opposition players were rubbing their hands at glee in what could only be classified as a major case of tall poppy syndrome. They had waited long and hard for the downfall of this successful club and here it was. Experienced players leaving by the day. The captaincy unresolved, in fighting, the club was in disarray. A source of joy for those who had taken a beating in the field at the hands of CW Black, for those who watched CW Black go from strength to strength.

However, much to the credit of Smitty over there, Blacks were able to aggressively recruit, deal with rebel squad members and ultimately unite into a greater force then they were ever before. So the fall never really came, there was no disaster, no languishing at the bottom for the Blacks. A debacle that never really occurred, meaning the schadenfreude that so many were planning in partaking in, well, they never really got the chance, did they?

And I suppose this breeds further animosity that has been seen in the off season and will continue for as long as CW Black are successful."

Following on from the previous question, do you feel that the criticism of your club has been warranted so far, or that you've been unfairly attacked? Also, how has the club dealt with the constant media scrutiny during the off-season?

Smith: "I feel it's totally unwarranted, especially recently. I've nothing further to say on this matter though, lets discuss cricket."

Okay then. Do you expect to defend your double crown this season? If you do, who do you think will play the key roles for you now with the huge losses of Hoy, Wilson, Butler and Fitzsimmons?

Smith: "I don't just expect us to defend our titles, I'm sure we will. Not one player in the squad doubts it and that's why I'm sure we'll lift both trophies once more. As for the replacements, there's no need to single out players here, everyone knows who we recruited and for what reasons. As far as I'm concerned, everyone in the squad will play their part in putting our name on the trophies, whether they play 15 games or 1."

Chaulk: "I would be very surprised if we did not finish in the top 2 in both forms. I'm expecting big things in OD from our top order as do alot of others. Putting scores on the board of 300+ will be our biggest advantage in the OD arena. Would like people to watch James Stedman continuing with his A team tour form. On the First class front the loss of Buddhy and Borcich for the start of the season is going to need the whole team to do a job. Our FC batting stocks aren't the best but I'm sure our bowling attack will pull us through. Pickup, Richards and Patrick are the ones we all know about but then we have young Kev Goughy and (Nick) Borcich in the after his suspension, so I'm sure the batting will find it's way and won't be as bad as people are expecting. We have been training HARD."

Stedman: "Cloete's going to have to hold together the middle order in the FC matches if we're to put wins on the board. I think the bowling is still strong. The signings of Goughy and Patrick should boost the attack and later in the season Borcich will hopefully get amongst the wickets. It will be a big challenge to defend the double crown but I personally don't think this team is any worse than the one that did the double last season"

With 3 current players serving suspensions for varying amounts of time, how are they coping with it so far, and with the possibility of harsher penalties should they step out of line again? Also, do you believe you have enough depth to cover their absences?

Blackman: "I wouldn't think any of us will be stepping out of line again, knowin' how badly all of us wanna get back out into the middle."

Nick Borcich: "Yes, I am coping well, knowing that (Alex) Blackman is suspended for twice as long as me is heartwarming in a way to me. I'm well aware of the threat in future discretions and will vent all future frustrations through my cousin, Vinnie "Crowbar" Borcich.

Stedman: "Blacks undoubtedly have the depth to cover the suspensions. With five centrally contracted players I think that will be a bigger test of depth. There's nothing those of us that are suspended can do but sit it out and stay in line."

How are you and your deputy Ash going to go about your on-field captaincy? You're both relatively new to the positions, so do you feel as though you'll be under any extra pressure?

Smith: I've not much captaincy experience, no. The stint as VC of the 'A' side a few months ago really taught me a lot about the pressures you're under when doing such things and, to be honest, I'm a little nervous. I'm not personally worried about it that much though, I've still got Neil around to help as well as a load of experienced cricketers out there with me. Hopefully it all goes well.

Chaulk: "I'll do what Smithy tells me to do! *laughs*. Nah, theres no pressure, a few new ideas, but we've been at the club for a while now and I'm sure we've seen it all before."

Our sources tell us your season launch party got a little out of hand, with some serious damage being done to Nath Patrick's apartment. According to the police, Patrick's neighbour Jasper McMuttonchops filed an official complaint regarding this. Do any of you wish to respond to these accusations?

Borcich: "Well, when you're performing ancient Zulu love rituals with a man of the magnitude of Nath Patrick, things are bound to get a little out of hand. We've no regrets."

Smith: "Look, it's not as though Jasper is a creditable source. The man's a well known drug dealer for one, and I've seen him buying Whiskey for 16 year old girls. If I was going to trust anyone it'd not be Mr. McMuttonchops.

In reference to the party though, yeah, it was brutal. Georgy Roberts is a party animal, can't believe the things he did that night. It's been a few weeks and I think he's actually still drunk. His woman was smoking hot too.

Just to add, I actually sank more tinnies than Markus. My proudest moment, that one."

Nath Patrick: "I'm currently bunking with Liam Camps Jnr. while my place gets fixed. He's a dream boat."

A Question about your newest rookie. How do you feel about McMeekin joining the side and where do you feel he'll fit into your plans?

Smith: "Meekers is a great young bloke with a lot of talent. Full array of strokes, good temperament, he has it all. I'm pretty sure he'll go a long way in the Black shirt. He'll get himself good amounts of game time in the longer form this season, and hopefully he can show the rest of CW what we've seen at training and in our practice matches."

And finally, any personal goals and targets for the coming season?

Smith: "For me personally, and for the side as a whole, this new season is about vindication. I've got my sights set firmly on our first game as THE game for us. It will define our season, and hopefully show, that we're there to not only win and win big, but to intimidate and dominate. By the end of the season I've no doubt we will call this league our own."

Chaulk: "My personal goals would to be solid in both forms. I would like to convert more 50's into 100's. Making the ODI squad again would be a thrill-and-a-half. Good clean glove work and solid batting is the focus. On a team front both trophies, being successful is a great feeling."

Markus: "Personally I'd love to establish my spot and live up to the expectations placed on me by Black in the OD form of the game. I'd love to come in the top 3 run scorers in that version of the game. In the extended version I'm not writing off a CW call up and know through persistance and hard work it may happen."

Kexing Su: "I'm gonna own some n00bs. Plain and simple."

Borcich: "Crack the ton in both forms - batting and stubbies of VB. Oh, and take bulk wickets"

Blackman: "Going back to back in both forms of the game is obviously number one priority. Getting a few of the boys into the CWXI team is also a big goal for every team in the league as well. Personally I just hope I can come back and help finish the season off and head into the finals with a bit of form. The games vs. Blue will be gun, especially in the OD's. Could be some classics during the season"

(c) Pickford Times, written by Mario Anluigi.
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Hall of Fame Member
Good article.

:laugh: Gelman destroying the myth of CW Black players being uneducated trouble causing bad boys by using "schadenfreude"


Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
Top stuff

Smith taking notes from another "Smith" in the cricketing world on how to talk a team up? :p
