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  • Good to see you back. Hows the pandemic been treating you
    jeez thats rough. Ive been doing much better , not completely bored working from home just yet. Concerned about the parents though, both old and there've been 4-5 cases in the society I live in
    Yeah parents are the really worrying bit. One of the guys in our office passed away due to Covid but he had a ton of comorbidities: diabetes, heart patient etc.. There have been a few cases in the society where my parents live but thankfully they are not very social people and that has served them well.

    What is it like on the forum these days? Are *****, Nufan and Bijed active? Didn't see any posts from them..
    ***** is on a bit of a hiatus, the others are around.
    Since the cranial vault seems to be a bit proto-human it might represent a middle-step between homo erectus and/or Neanderthals evolving into homo sapiens, since the specimen seems to be close to human but not quite there yet.

    Might just be a morphological variation or defect though.
    There's two sets of models archaeologically in general to trying to explain human dispersal from Africa, one generates around a 130-100 thousand years ago dispersal, the other a 60-40 thousand year ago dispersal.

    The latter is more accepted and has the most evidence (taphonomic bias no doubt playing a role) and there's been a lot of good genetic, fossil and lithic work on it that shows some sort of migratory event very likely happened at 70-40ka, albeit not necessarily the first. But there's a bit of evidence to show a 130-100k is likely too. Tbh, no one knows really since every model seems to have some major achilles heel going on despite how well evidence is portrayed.
    Yeah, I understood that it was more of a popular science-type book.. which is good. Many people think that CS is basically fiddling around with computers to get them to work. At its core, it goes far deeper than that.. it tries to answer what can and cannot be computed given the known computational models.

    As Dijkstra put it... "Saying Computer Science is the study of computers is like saying that Astronomy is the study of telescopes.."

    Computational/Mathematical thinking is indeed a very useful tool to have in many real-life situations.
    It's unlikely I'd be familiar with most of the material in it. :)

    I use this book by Thomas Cormen as a Bible of sorts, to study algorithms. Have possessed that book for a decade and a half now, can't say I've properly understood more than 25-30% of it. :)
    Im not trying to get banned but I don't really give a **** anymore if I do tbh. And who said I'm a multi. Crazy talk.
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