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Top five cricketers of all time


There is no doubt that the world has lost two legendary cricketers recently. The passing of Rod Marsh was a blow, but it was soon followed by the sudden death of Shane Warne.


Football Stars Who Could Have Been Cricketing Heroes


When it comes to popularity, it would be fair to say that cricket has taken a battering over the past decade or two, especially when compared to football. The way the professional game has grown and evolved, most notably since the inception of the Premier League in 1992, should be used as something of a yardstick for those who run cricket in the UK.


Betting Or Slots – What To Choose?


f you’re intrigued by online casinos and betting sites, and you want to try your luck, you might be wondering what is your best option. In case you don’t know if betting is the right choice for you or if you would rather test slots, you’ve come to the right page.


Top 5 balls of the century


The last century has been phenomenal for cricket fans. We have witnessed the emergence of young talents, and the evergreen professionals grace our screens and pitches. Athletes in all kinds of sports aim to gain control and achieve mastery, which often never happens, only producing bursts of magic.