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  • For what it's worth I think TTG have a pretty nice lineup these days. Good mixture of hardened grade veterans (Davey, Evans, Weaver) and good young talent (Patty Page, Tim "Damion Reeves 2.0" Oakley). There were certainly times where that wasn't the case though.

    Anyway, Pertaringa is a pretty nice place to watch cricket I reckon
    Yeah, it has been a contentious issue for as long as I can remember and way before. Frankly the standard in grade cricket isn't where it needs to be.

    The northern suburbs really should be producing more cricketers, from personal experience there was a fair bit of talent at junior level, but it hasn't really amounted to much even at grade level.
    It was certainly disappointing, the batsman just went missing far too often. The skill of building an innings seems to be lost. Many times during the summer did I see SACA batsmen defend a tight spell of bowling only to throw the kitchen sink at a wide one and only succeed in slashing it to gully. Weatherald is a pretty good example of this, he can certainly play but too often throws it away trying to up the tempo. And looking at Grade cricket there doesn't seem to be much light on the horizon, many (myself included) tend to think 13 teams is too many for a city the size of Adelaide.
    Being a South Australian cricket fan isn't straightforward. The more things change the more things stay the same
    Thanks for the answer, much appreciated. George always came across as an interesting bloke to say the least, not surprised about his approach to the game. The team of 1995/96 was excellent, it was about the only season where pretty much everyone contributed at some point and the team wasn't just carried by two or three players (Usually Boof, Blewy and Dizzy). Wasn't even born back then, ever since I have been following the SACA's it has been the same old story, one step forward and two steps back. And nothing much about Grade Cricket here makes me think this will get bettet
    Hello, I just have a bit of a question for you. Do you have any idea of what became of Shane George? I saw while looking through old threads that you played indoor cricket against him as late as February 2009. Been looking in to our 1995-96 Shield winning team recently, everyone else I know a fair bit about. It is interesting that for someone who generally was nothing to write home about with the bat played (with the equally rabbitish Peter MacIntyre) probably one of the most important innings in South Australian cricket history.
    Hi there - just wanted to check whether you wanted to opt out of Battle of the Members - you've been nominated but I'm informed you always opt out? Sorry to bother
    Mate, would be keen to have a chat to you off forum about a few things in your most recent post in the GT thread, if at all possible?
    Bloodycwhttp://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2017-04-23/retired-greyhounds-getting-new-lease-on-life-in-nursing-homes/8465050?pfmredir=sm&sf72568697=1&WT.ac=statenews_tas]Retired greyhound 'couch potatoes' enter slow lane helping nursing home residents - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)[/url]
    Hey mate, how were you watching the Eng-Pak Test earlier?
    Feel free to reply through other channels if not for CW
    Yeah man sounds good.

    You planning a trip to these islands anyway?

    Hit me up via email: Martyn.corrin at icloud.com and we can sort something out. Depending on what you want to do I can be pretty flexible with dates
    Would need to be evening, working until 6, although I can't stay out too late as it's the wee one's first day at school on Thursday. Where are you based?
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