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  • Hi marc. Just read your response on the Smith lbw. I did stop reading after you got repetitive, which was quite early on. Quite an opus though if you judge these things on their length. I hope you find a publisher.
    Yeah it does everything for you, and has a pretty good interface since they did the update. I've never done a PL league on there before, only baseball but I doubt it would be much different. Would suggest a Head to Head points format if you're starting a league.
    Woah. No idea of the history. Is a little neurotic. Haven't seen signs of racism and homophobia yet (though I haven't read everything he's written).

    We had more or less come to the conclusion that crossing the Channel, in whatever way, probably makes more sense than crossing the North Sea. It's just that I'm baffled to learn prices for overnight crossings are so expensive............
    Yeah, thanks Marc. Hope you like the way the form works.
    Could do definitely, where would you suggest?
    Hey Marc, how are you? I just wanted to check in with you to make sure you got my email. I sent it a couple of days ago. No worries if you haven't had the chance to review it yet. Just wanted to makes sure you got it. If you haven't got it, please email me at cricketweb @ gmail.com so I can send it to the correct email address. Thanks mate.
    Ahah, but that's beauty of it - there's no commitment required. If you're around tonight, send in your answers, if you're not, don't sweat it.
    I couldn't dig it out either - I could only find a load of spin-offs, otherwise I'd have linked it.

    In its absence, I just improvised.
    As I said before, beyond passing volume, basically Gerrard did everything else better. I've brought up whoscored.com on here before and they track basically all of the important stats and have a complex algorithm which assigns ratings. The difference between Gerrard and Carrick's rating is 0.42 points (7.51 vs 7.09)...which in their system is a huge difference. There really isn't an argument on intangibles that would begin to explain it.
    marc71178-Either that or Ikki is spouting bollocks?

    Suarez is not the best player in the league by a long way, don't put words in my mouth.

    Liverpool have several very good players but even two players having the seasons of Gerrard and Suarez simply can't carry crap every game for 38 games. Football is no longer even about the 1st XI but moreso the squad. Through half the season we were playing the likes of Suso, Sterling, Shelvey and Wisdom...who should be nowhere near the team at this stage of their careers. Allen started off well, then turned to crap; Borini was basically injured the whole season. Pepe stopped being a liability half-way through the season. Lucas returned to fitness only at the turn of the year.
    I'm not complaining about him being out. Obviously it was the umpires call, but the players themselves have said he did not see AB.

    And yeah you are right. There has been a lot of influx of fans ever since they became no.1 and I have never seen the amount of praise bestowed upon a team since. It's like RSA is the greatest team ever.
    He bro thax for comment my poll,but why you choice dont't like,pls how to create my best faces better and better,pls explain how to create best faces &give me reason,
    Fair one haha, good on you mate.

    You get a visit from the leaders soon, bit gutted I won't be able to go.
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