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  • a visit to the perhentian Islands is a must while you are there. Also you might want to take a trip to sipadan island if you like diving
    hey dude,

    how is your time in Malaysia coming along?

    Do you like the place?

    My experience in Penang was AWESOME.
    Hey Kev, Sounds a good gig and I'll definitely put some feelers out to some of my old clubs. What's the date range for the tournaments etc? I know most seasons are kicking off over here aorund april or so with Pre-season trainings going back bewteen now and February depending on how serious the clubs are.

    Sadly my playing days are done for the moment - Just got my shoulder all fixed up and now my knee decides it doesn't want the patella to track properly in the joint anymore during pre-season fitness. Hurts just walking up staris and likely needs an op to correct it - i just dont have that sort of time to take off work!

    Hope all is well over there mate, If i get over for a holiday/whatever we'll definitely have to grab a beer.

    Thanks so much for your thoughts, mate. I now know for sure that my action is what you'd technically call 'Side on with open feet'. Not too dissimilar to Blewett's and that's what got me interested.
    Much appreciated!
    Hey mate, just watched the video of the final on the phillipines rugby website - Didn't realise they called Water Polo Rugby over there!

    Nice try in the corner, good slide as well, really looked like a genuine winger!

    Anyway mate, good to see your enjoying being back out there - my retunr is still about 6 months away - can't bloody wait!
    Playing for Golcar in the Huddersfield and District League. Here till about the 11th September, and have a week off work starting the 8th August.
    Are you in Yorkshire at the moment? I'm based out of Huddersfield and would be interested in meeting up.
    Hi mate. A relatively new member has a question concerning squats and other exercises which help with fast bowling.

    If you get a mo, can you pop in and share your thoughts? Thanks.
    Hi Kev, thanks for your reponse in the thread. Would be very happy to have a chat off forum sometime, do you use msn or email at all?
    Plain and simple bet on the Perth Test with pasag, he laid it down. I pretty much don't refuse bets on England so that was that.

    He who laughs last and all that though (hopefully...)

    Did you have a nice Christmas?
    Hey mate, Jetstar seems the best bet. There's a $568 from Manila to Melbourne on new years day, then $756 on Jan 8 back. Through Syd is a bit more expensive, might be cheaper finding those tickets separate.
    Hey Goughy,

    I will take that on board as it is very much my responsibility to get them out there these days. I am going to copy your message then delete it from my wall just to keep it private; I don't suppose you would have time at any point to give any further suggestions by email? martyn.corrin@cricketweb.net

    Sorry if it sounds I'm being cheeky as I'm in a bit of a rush ha!
    Hey mate,

    Was wondering if you could spare a few seconds to complete my survey. Would be much appreciated.

    Monash University Survey | Qualtrics Survey Software
    Its OK, don't mind saying :)

    Its not actually a job per se. I've applied for our internal Fast Stream process, which if I get onto it I could end up in a variety of jobs over the next 4 years, each one a step up from the next, with the notion that by the time I finish, I'll be ready for a move into Whitehall and the senior Civil Service.

    Its a scary notion, and it'll be a steep learning curve, but I know I've got it in me, so hopefully I'll get the break and take it :)
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