DD's Christmas Carol - the end
Devil Ducky's trials and tribulations are brought to an abrupt close. He looks into his heart and sees only goodness. The next day, Cricket Web sack him.

Even more DD's Christmas Carol
The horror!!! Ducky comes face to face with something very nasty indeed - the second Linkin Park album Doris Hickinbottom, first lady of Barnsley.

More DD's Christmas Carol
Stave 3 - The Second of the Three Spirits. Today, Ducky suffers further indignities as the world closes ranks on him, not recognising just what a fine writer he is. Oh, wait...

DD's Christmas Carol
Stave 2 - The First of the Three Spirits. Follow the further adventures of Ebenezer Ducky as he tries to put the cricket world to rights.

DD's Christmas Carol
Stave 1 - "Marley's Ghost". Any resemblance to a character of similar name in a similar story about Christmas and ghosts and stuff is purely coincidental a bit.

A Devilish Christmas Carol
When Charles Dickens wrote 'A Christmas Carol' 160 years ago, little did he know what Devil Ducky had in mind for his masterwork. Let's have a look at what's in store.

Happy Birthday, Nostradamus
Cricket in the run-up to the 500th anniversary of the birth of Steve Waugh Nostradamus.