Rigor vs The Snail

Wednesday, December 1 2004

Forget the 100 meters final at Athens... this was the race everyone was talking about as the New Zealanders enjoyed their first victory of the Australian tour when opening batsman Mark 'Rigormortis' Richardson beat Australia's Darren 'Snail' Lehmann in their 110-metres 'sprint' challenge at the end of the second Test at Adelaide Oval.

In victory Richardson won $2000, donated by Travelex, for his nominated charity, Intellectually Handicapped Children (IHC), While Lehmann won $1000 for his chosen charity for coming second.

The race saw the pair running a 110-metre course with a beer keg carefully and temptingly placed at the halfway mark for the competitors to jump over.

Lehmann lost the race but he was gracious in defeat, conceding that Richardson had been 'too good'.

Posted by Richard